links: Neocities.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
Here's how you can add an image:
Adaptive Technology is a broad term often used to describe both the products and services for people with special needs. It enhances the vocation, recreation, education, and independence of the user. Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired Commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities Adaptive Technology can provide equality between visually impaired individuals and their sighted peers within the emerging information society. With the aid of the appropriate technological devices, visually impaired persons can independently access, process, store and transmit the same information handled by sighted people. Both use computers to manipulate this information. The only difference lies in the form in which the information is displayed.
Android Assistant MenuWhat does the technology do?
The assistant menu is a small onscreen contextual menu which gives you access to all the important features of your phone (Notification panel, Home, back, recent buttons...). It aims to improve single handed operation on your mobile.
What group or groups of people is the technology designed to support?
the asssitant menu is to help disabled people who hav ahard time thinking and controling themselves control their phones with little to no help
Does it help anyone without disabilities?
yes, in my oppinion, it could help those with mental dissabilitiescontrol their phone with little to no help from others
What does the technology do?
Microsoft Windows’ High Contrast colour scheme is a built-in accessibility setting that helps improve readability. It uses a black background, reverses the text colour, and removes CSS backgrounds which makes everything easier to read. It’s easy to turn on with just Left Shift+Left Alt+Print Screen.
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